Help us provide our guests, residents and their families with the little 'extras' in life by fundraising for disabilities


Our Beyond Care Fund (BCF) always needs fundraising support so we can give more.

Maintaining a sound quality of life when living with a disability can come at a high physical, financial and emotional cost. Often, this means foregoing many of the things the rest of us take for granted. 

While the NDIS goes a long way towards providing for the broader needs of people with a disability, we see first-hand how carers and families with limited resources often struggle to provide the little 'extras' of life, not only for their loved ones but also for themselves.

Through a range of fundraising for disabilities activities in Newcastle, the I Am Here ‘Beyond Care Fund’ allows us to provide some of those 'extras' for disabled adults without impacting the business's financial viability.

A female I Am Here respite guest sat smiling in a grey chair, holding a bunch of native Australian flowers

Would you like to help?

To find out how you can begin raising funds for our local community and support the BCF, contact our fundraising team at or directly donate via our MyCause page.

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